Questions and Answers
Who is this nut case and why is he making such a big deal out of a habit?
I am not a doctor, therefore will not diagnose or give medical advice. I also do not claim to be an expert, on any of the conditions or
therapies other than Tongue Chewing discussed on this site although I will, give my opinion based on my 20 years of experience from
studying traditional, alternative and complementary medicine. I am also not a website designer!
I’ve searched medical databases, books and journals. To date, have found nothing that directly relates to tongue chewing specifically as
a habit or disorder, so have taken it upon myself to create this website to share what I have learned.
While there is an abundance of information in medical journals and on the Internet on various other orofacial habits and movement
disorders, tongue chewing has never been studied or documented. Try a search for yourself - Click on the link below and type in
"tongue chewing" then compare it to a search on "hair pulling", "skin picking" or "head banging".
U.S. National Library of Medicine - (This is just one of the numerous medical databases I have searched.)
This website shares my story and what I know about this horrific habit.
I have encounter countless other individuals that chew on their tongues, it’s always the same story, they will tell me, “I have chewed my
tongue as long as I can remember” or “I thought I was the only one with this habit.”
I am 50 years old and I've been chewing on my tongue virtually non-stop for over 45 of them!
I hold two U.S. Patents, one for a product called NEUROBAND TM, a device that in addition to having many other benefits can instantly
alleviate tongue chewing. This product is not for sale on this web site or to the general public. Tongue chewing is closely related to
many other conditions and disorders, the same cure could ultimately be mutually beneficial.
After viewing this website if you are a tongue chewer or if you are a concerned health care professional. Please email me and I will try to
help you on an individual basis. I will share with you what it has taken me over 20 years to learn. All I want in return is the satisfaction
that I've helped one more person with this habit that has plagued me my entire life.
This website is the only source for this information.
If you are a Tongue Chewer you have nothing to lose. Start by filling out the survey.
Why hasn't this condition ever been documented?
1. In many cases it begins unnoticed as a benign extension of a child hood habit.
2. Tongue Chewers are generally embarrassed by the habit.
3. Some Tongue Chewers are totally unaware they are doing it.
4. Tongue Chewers all believe that they are the only ones that have this habit.
5. Tongue Chewers believe that they could stop if they only had the will power so they never report it to their doctors.
6. Tongue Chewing may look like a natural chewing motion so therefore it goes unnoticed.
7. Many Tongue Chewers are in Denial about the habit.
8. Parents and families of Tongue Chewers may think it's no big deal or be to embarrassed to talk about it.
Typical quotes form Tongue Chewers and their families:
"Leave me alone; I will chew my tong if I want to."
"I've been chewing my tongue as long as I can remember."
"I thought I was the only one. I hate this habit."
"When I ask him to stop he gets angry and pretends he doesn't know what I’m talking about then he goes right on doing it."
"I chew my tongue when I'm trying to concentrate, reading, watching TV, playing computer games, and driving.
More Quotes from tongue chewers
Is tongue chewing a habit or neurological disorder?
Because the origin is still relatively unknown and may be different in individuals I would be hesitant to call tongue chewing a simple
habit. According to the Marriam-Webster Medical Dictionary and Wikipedia Encyclopedia, tongue chewing could be classified as a
stereotypy movement disorder or stereotypy habit disorder. There are sufficient similarities with other similar conditions specifically “tic
disorders” (involuntary, compulsive, repetitive, stereotyped) and “Tardive dyskinesia” although according to the Diagnostic Manual and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) the diagnoses depends on the severity of the disorder and whether or
not there is functional impairment.
Marriam-Webster Definition
Habit -
1: a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiological exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of
2: an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary
Disorder -
1: an abnormal physical or mental condition <an intestinal disorder> <a nervous disorder>
Stereotypy Movement Disorder -
Stereotypy is a behavioral condition characterized by either a lack of variation in patterns of thought, motion and speech, by repitition of
said patterns, or both; often associated with various psychiatric and/or developmental disorders.
Tardive Dyskinesia - refers to a wide variety of involuntary, repetitive, persistent, stereotyped movements caused by the use of
neuroleptic drugs that block dopamine receptors. Symptoms of tardive dyskinesia are characterized by well-coordinated continual
movements of the mouth, tongue, jaw, and cheeks. Jaw movements may be lateral or may resemble chewing motions. The tongue
movements may be writhing or twisting.
Tic Disorders - involuntary, compulsive, repetitive, stereotyped
Oral Habits
Oral habits of compulsion are repeated movements involving the mouth. Including: lip biting, lip licking, lip sucking, tongue thrusting,
and thumb or finger sucking.
The forces of oral habits and disorders are very destructive. The repeated forces caused by these habits move teeth and bone.
Most oral habits and disorders will greatly affect dental and orthodontic treatment.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia: Stereotypy Movement Disorder
Childhood Habit Behaviors and Stereotypic Movement Disorders
Background: Childhood habits appear in many different forms. Many people engage in some degree of habit like behavior in their
lifetime. For example, habits can range from seemingly benign behaviors, such as nail biting or foot tapping, to more noticeable
physically damaging behaviors, such as teeth grinding (bruxism) and hair pulling. Habit disorders, now subsumed under the diagnostic
term stereotypic movement disorder, consist of repetitive, seemingly driven, and nonfunctional motor behaviors that interfere with
normal activities or result in bodily injury. Fortunately, many childhood habits are benign, considered a normal part of development, do
not meet the criteria for a disorder, and typically remit untreated.
The Diagnostic Manual and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) formerly used the term Stereotypy/Habit
Disorder and now uses the term Stereotypic Movement Disorder to designate repetitive habit behaviors that cause impairment to the
child. This review focuses on a number of common childhood behaviors, including thumb sucking, nail biting, nose picking, breath
holding, bruxism, head banging, and rocking/rhythmic movements. In milder forms, some of the above behaviors do not cause
interference in normal daily activities and, therefore, do not constitute psychiatric developmental behaviors in mild form but can progress
to cause functional impairment or result in physical/psychological sequelae or stigmatization. When significant functional impairment
does exist, the diagnosis of stereotypic movement disorder should be considered.
In the differential diagnosis of stereotypic movement disorder are a number of other psychiatric conditions in which repetitive behaviors
are core features, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, vocal and motor tics, and Tourette disorder. When these
disorders best account for symptoms, the diagnosis of stereotypic movement disorder is not made.
Some childhood habits remain unnoticed and can persist untreated, even when they cause interference with the child's optimal
functioning. Childhood habits can result in negative social interactions and avoidance by peers and family members. However, for the
majority of children who are otherwise developing normally, few habits result in permanent physical damage to the child. Some
repetitive behaviors can cause damage. For example, teeth grinding (bruxism) can result in tooth damage, and occasional hair pulling
can result in hair loss or evolve into the more severe disorder, trichotillomania. In some cases, treating a childhood habit before clearcut
dysfunction arises may be preventive in so far as curtailing more serious psychopathology and social dysfunction. Much of what is
known about childhood habits is derived from the adult literature on common adult habit behaviors.
Causes: The etiology of habit disorders may vary on the basis of the type of habit with which a child presents. However, the origins of
most habit disorders are not well established or understood.
© Copyright 2005,, Inc.
Is there a medical term for this condition?
No, so I made one up.
Oral Myolingual Craniomandibular Dysfunction (OMCD)
Oral - mouth; Myo – muscles; Lingual – tongue; Cranio – skull; Mandibular - jaw
How many other people chew their tongues?
I believe that it’s possible that tongue chewing affects million of people in the United States alone.
Is tongue chewing hereditary?
It can be. In over 25% of the people I've interview there is more than one generation of chewers in the related family, but at this time
there is no way to determine whether it is genetic or a learned behavior.
What do I do about my sore tongue or jaw?
Just let me help you stop chewing.
Do all tongue chewers have the same symptoms?
No - Quotes from tongue chewers
Should I tell my doctor and or dentist?
Yes - and let me know what they tells you.
Are there other sites like this one?
No - Not for Tongue Chewing. This is the only information source for Tongue Chewing anywhere!
You will not find any documented information besides this website on tongue chewing and its successful treatment
not related to Dystonia, Tardive Dsykinesia or bucco-linguo-masticatory syndrome.
Are there prescription medications that may help?
I haven't found any .